The offer for academic year 2024-25 draws on the expertise of city headteachers, practitioners and consultants to ensure a joined up approach to improving outcomes in English for children in Leicester. Opportunities included in this year’s offer link closely to the recent publication, Telling the Story: Ofsted’s English Subject Report (2024) and Ofsted’s Curriculum Review of English (2022). Training programmes focus upon:
- Bridging the gap from phonics to fluency and comprehension in reading;
- Developing oracy within writing to improve outcomes;
- Scaffolding writing to ensure outcomes are appropriate to pupils and there is sufficient practice of transcription and foundational skills;
- Planning writing units of work so that lessons are progressive, writing builds on reading and grammar is taught, practiced & applied in outcomes with a lower cognitive load.
The English offer is commissioned by Closing the Gap (CtG) & Whatever it Takes (WiT). As both of these initiatives are funded via de-delegation, all opportunities are offered at a free, or subsidised cost for Leicester City maintained primary schools. Non-maintained and Leicestershire schools are very welcome to participate, but a full charge will apply.
Booking links
Individual booking links for each training opportunity can be found within the course information.
Commitment and cancellation policy
Involvement in this booking will require substantial commitment and we do need to emphasise this. Expectations between projects will vary slightly, but by signing up you and your school are agreeing to:
- Release the named staff to attend all events within the programme.
- Give staff the necessary support to undertake school based activities, gap tasks and improvement work.
- Engage well with the opportunities in the programme and, if invited, school-based support.
- Give at least 48 hours’ notice if you are no longer able to attend a session you have booked*.
*Unfortunately unless there are extenuating circumstances, sessions cancelled within a 48 hour window of the training date will result in a 100% charge of the course fee. If you are a maintained Leicester City primary school, and accessing the course free of charge, the cancellation cost will be the charge advertised for non-maintained schools. For non-maintained schools the course fee will not be refunded.
Strategic Leadership of English
Cost: Free for Leicester City maintained schools. £320 for non-maintained schools and Leicestershire schools.
Course Leads: Annmarie Williams and English Specialists
No. of session(s): 4 x half day sessions for English Leaders and Oracy Leaders (it is recommended that new leaders of English attend the New Leader sessions during their first year)
The focus of these half-day sessions is to strengthen the partnership between English Subject Leaders and Oracy Leaders and to consider an effective and coherent English curriculum with communication at its heart. We will consider how effective curriculum implementation supports pupils to learn the skills of oracy and to enhance their reading and writing through oracy in English lessons. This training will be closely linked to the recent publication, Telling the Story: Ofsted’s English Subject Report. Content will be linked to intent, implementation and impact to support leadership and gap tasks will be set for both English and Oracy leaders to work together to lead developments in school.
The sessions will also provide opportunities to develop subject knowledge and pedagogical knowledge, share good practice and network with other schools.
Proposed session content
Session 1: The importance of oracy and its place within the English national curriculum and models of implementation, auditing current implementation for oracy/ speaking and listening.
Session 2: Use of oracy knowledge and skills to develop spoken language, vocabulary and grammar knowledge.
Session 3: Exemplification of learning and learning through oracy within a text based teaching sequence.
Session 4: Developing progression in oracy across the school linked to the National Curriculum and Voice 21.
Session dates
Session 1: 26th September, 9am-12noon at NSPCC
Session 2: 28th November, 9am-12noon at NSPCC
Session 3: 27th February, 9am-12noon at NSPCC
Session 4: 5th June, 9am-12noon at NSPCC
New to Leadership of English
Cost: Free for Leicester City maintained schools. £400 for non-maintained schools and Leicestershire schools.
Course Leads: Mel Hendy, Jo Puttick and English Specialists
No. of session(s): 5 x half day sessions for new English Subject Leaders.
These half-day sessions for New English Subject Leaders will develop new English Leaders in subject knowledge, pedagogy and leadership of English. Subject Leaders will:
Session 1
- Understand the role of intent, implementation and impact in leading English;
- Explore the development of programmes of CPD, including input, coaching, support, monitoring and evaluation.
- Gap task: data analysis
Session 2
- Review school’s Curriculum Map for English based on national research and the National Curriculum;
- Ensure progression in English is through the provision of increasingly complex texts.
- Gap task: curriculum map development
Session 3
- Clarify understanding of subject knowledge and research-based pedagogy in reading.
- Become well-prepared for Ofsted deep-dives in early reading.
- Gap task: reading learning walk.
Session 4
- Clarify understanding of subject knowledge and research-based pedagogy in writing.
- Become well-prepared for Ofsted deep-dives in English.
- Gap task: English book scrutiny.
Session 5
- Develop a cycle of CPD and support in English to raise attainment.
Session dates
Session 1: 3rd October, 9am-12noon at SDSA
Session 2: 15th November, 9am-12noon at SDSA
Session 3: 16th January, 9am-12noon at SDSA
Session 4: 6th March, 9am-12noon at SDSA
Session 5: 28th March, 9am-12noon at SDSA
Cost: Free for Leicester City maintained schools. £320 per delegate for non-maintained schools and Leicestershire schools.
Course Lead(s): Jo Puttick and Emma Spiers
No. of sessions: 4 x half day sessions
Audience: EYFS and Y1 Teachers
Teachers will have a clear understanding of the research and rationale underpinning best practice in the teaching of early writing and these principles will be foundations for both strands of training. Training will be broken down into small steps so that leaders and practitioners have the opportunity to apply it in their classrooms, before reflecting on its its impact during follow-up sessions.
Session Dates
Session 1: 16th October, 9am-12noon at NSPCC
Session 2: 14th November, 9am-12noon at NSPCC
Session 3: 5th February, 9am-12noon at NSPCC
Session 4: 3rd June, 9am-12noon at NSPCC
Cost: Free for Leicester City maintained schools. £320 per delegate for non-maintained schools and Leicestershire schools.
Course Lead(s): Mel Hendy and Jo Puttick
No. of sessions: 4 x half day sessions
Audience: English Subject Leaders, plus 1 teacher
English subject leaders and teachers will have a clear understanding of the research and rationale underpinning best practice in the teaching of early writing and these principles will be foundations for both strands of training. Training will be broken down into small steps so that leaders and practitioners have the opportunity to apply it in their classrooms, before reflecting on its its impact during follow-up sessions.
Session Dates
Session 1: 18th October, 9am-12noon at NSPCC
Session 2: 5th December, 9am-12noon at NSPCC
Session 3: 13th February, 9am-12noon at NSPCC
Session 4: 6th June, 9am-12noon at NSPCC
Cost: Free for Leicester City maintained schools. £240 per delegate for non-maintained schools and Leicestershire schools.
Course Lead(s): Hannah Cooper
No. of sessions: 3 x half day sessions
These sessions will support teachers with planning progressive teaching sequences from their own curriculum and texts using ‘reverse planning’ principles and AFL strategies. Each session will give teachers opportunities to plan their modelling so children can see appropriate writing expectations to base their own writing on ensuring it is of an appropriate pitch and cognitive load. All sessions will include an input on subject knowledge including sentence structure, vocabulary and supporting children with their own planning of writing. Group size is small to ensure maximum support from the course leader. Teachers can attend individually, or with year group teams to plan collaboratively.
Please note these sessions are of similar content to previous years so would best suit teachers who have not attended before, or have changed year group.
Session dates
Session 1: 21st November, 9am-12noon at SDSA
Session 2: 6th February, 9am-12noon at SDSA
Session 3: 10th April, 9am-12noon at SDSA
Cost: Free for Leicester City maintained schools. £240 per delegate for non-maintained schools and Leicestershire schools.
Course Lead(s): Hannah Cooper
No. of sessions: 3 x half day sessions
These sessions will support teachers with planning progressive teaching sequences from their own curriculum and texts using ‘reverse planning’ principles and AFL strategies. Each session will give teachers opportunities to plan their modelling so children can see appropriate writing expectations to base their own writing on ensuring it is of an appropriate pitch and cognitive load. All sessions will include an input on subject knowledge including sentence structure, vocabulary and supporting children with their own planning of writing. Group size is small to ensure maximum support from the course leader. Teachers can attend individually, or with year group teams to plan collaboratively.
Please note these sessions are of similar content to previous years so would best suit teachers who have not attended before, or have changed year group.
Session dates
Session 1: 10th October, 9am-12noon at SDSA
Session 2: 22nd January, 9am-12noon at NSPCC
Session 3: 2nd April, 9am-12noon at SDSA
Cost: Free for Leicester City maintained schools. £240 per delegate for non-maintained schools and Leicestershire schools.
Course Lead(s): Hannah Cooper
No. of sessions: 3 x half day sessions
These sessions will support teachers with planning progressive teaching sequences from their own curriculum and texts using ‘reverse planning’ principles and AFL strategies. Each session will give teachers opportunities to plan their modelling so children can see appropriate writing expectations to base their own writing on ensuring it is of an appropriate pitch and cognitive load. All sessions will include an input on subject knowledge including sentence structure, vocabulary and supporting children with their own planning of writing. Group size is small to ensure maximum support from the course leader. Teachers can attend individually, or with year group teams to plan collaboratively.
Please note these sessions are of similar content to previous years so would best suit teachers who have not attended before, or have changed year group.
Session dates
Session 1: 17th October, 9am-12noon at SDSA
Session 2: 30th January, 9am-12noon at SDSA
Session 3: 4th April, 9am-12noon at SDSA
Cost: £175 per delegate for Leicester City maintained schools. £215 per delegate for non-maintained schools and Leicestershire schools.
Course Lead(s): Hannah Cooper
No. of sessions: 2 x half day sessions and 1x twilight
The network is open to any teacher or lead who has a passion for maximising oracy opportunities in their classroom and beyond, whatever their school’s stage of oracy development. Schools are not required to have attended previous Voice 21 training in order to access these sessions. Everyone is welcome. The sessions offer opportunities to:
- Become knowledgeable in a range of oracy strategies and best practice to use in lessons, and throughout the school day
- Engage with immersive ‘oracy masterclasses’ lead by oracy lead practitioners
- Receive subject updates
- Develop and discuss action plans / own practice with colleagues and expert practitioners
Previous delegate feedback includes:
"The sessions have been a great way to share ideas, network and have experts on hand to lead the way and enthuse showing their passion for Oracy and the benefits they have seen (in practice)."
"Thanks - always such a valuable session with so much to take back and act on."
"These sessions were so useful and they’ve really supported me and given me confidence to lead the area".
Session Dates
Session 1: 23rd January, 9am-12noon at SDSA
Session 2: 1st May, 9am-12noon at SDSA
Oracy Across the Curriculum Twilight: 3rd March
Cost: £100 per school (for up to three colleagues) for Leicester City maintained schools. £120 per school (for up to three colleagues) for non-maintained schools and Leicestershire schools.
Additional places are charged at £45 per delegate (Leicester City maintained schools). and £55 per delegate (non-maintained and Leicestershire schools).
Course Lead(s): Hannah Cooper and Oracy Hub Leads
No. of sessions: 1 x twilight session
These twilight events are designed to support teachers with understanding how a teaching sequence can elevate children’s learning through the use of carefully planned oracy. Teachers will be immersed in a practical workshop and will gain an understanding of how to use oracy strategies back in their own school. The workshops will be delivered through a curriculum subject.
Schools can sign up multiple delegates e.g. curriculum leads, phase leads & class teachers to work together during these immersive sessions. During previous twilights, some schools found it beneficial to use this offer as a designated staff meeting, or a designated time to offer cpd to teaching teams.
Session dates:
Session 1: 3rd March (focus on Art)
Cost: £195 per delegate for Leicester City maintained schools. £240 per delegate for non-maintained schools and Leicestershire schools.
Course Lead(s): Hannah Cooper
No. of sessions: 3 x half day sessions
This training is for teachers or schools who are new to oracy and want to develop children’s speaking and listening skills. It offers an introduction to key oracy teaching and learning principles, giving participants the opportunity to consider effective pedagogy around the notion of ‘learning to talk’ and ‘learning through talk’, and types of talk.
- Session 1: Introduction to Oracy – The Oracy Framework and understanding the four essential strands for effective oracy (cognitive, linguistic, social & emotional, and physical) and different types of talk
- Session 2: Creating a culture of talk in the classroom - Strategies to support developing a Dialogic Classroom including different groupings, sentence stems and listening ladders
- Session 3: Oracy Across the Curriculum - How speaking and listening can elevate children’s learning in lessons
Session dates:
Session 1: 31st October, 9am-12noon at SDSA
Session 2: 15th January, 9am-12noon at SDSA
Session 3: 27th March, 9am-12noon at SDSA
Cost: Free for Leicester City maintained schools. £240 per delegate for non-maintained schools and Leicestershire schools.
Course Lead(s): Jo Puttick
No. of sessions: 3 x half day sessions
Target audience: KS1 and KS2 teachers from schools that use the approaches advocated on the Leadership of Reading / KS1 / KS2 reading courses
Course Aims:
- Know about the different elements of fluency required for good comprehension and how to teach this.
- Understand the importance of graded reading choice for children who may be vulnerable to poor comprehension.
- Understand the subject knowledge associated with good reading comprehension and what children need to work on in order to progress.
- Understand the fundamental nature of careful assessment of reading comprehension and how to use the findings to support pupil learning
Session content:
- Session 1: Teaching and improving fluency, word recognition automaticity, syllabification at speed, smoothness, pace, punctuation and phrasing, reading with expression.
- Session 2: The nature of language comprehension: working with children from the start to develop this, the importance of background and vocabulary knowledge and monitoring reading comprehension for yourself.
- Session 3: Book selection to bridge the gap between reading and reading comprehension, motivating and inspiring children to want to be comprehenders, reading stamina and silent reading.
This course will also involve gap tasks, including a case study.
Session 1: 8th October, 9am-12noon at NSPCC
Session 2: 29th November, 9am-12noon at NSPCC
Session 3: 31st January, 9am-12noon at NSPCC
Cost: Free for Leicester City maintained schools. £240 per delegate for non-maintained and Leicestershire schools
Course Lead(s): Jo Puttick, Emma Spiers & Monika Singala
No. of sessions: 3 x half day sessions
Audience: EYFS Leaders / Y1 teachers / English Leaders / Reading Leaders
The aim of this network is to connect colleagues across the city and to give an opportunity to develop teachers’ and leaders’ understanding relating to best practice in reading development in the Early Years and Y1. Now in its third year, sessions will continue to draw on recent research and focus areas with new content will include phonics, early language development and understanding, leading, monitoring and assessing reading, and working with parents. There will also be input from CLS, linked to the themes of the sessions.
Session 1
- Key messages from Ofsted Review: Telling the Story
- The range of aspects that need to be done well in schools to ensure children become good readers
- Phonological awareness: phoneme manipulation
- Teaching common exception words: no word is entirely tricky
- Monitoring and evaluating your provision: how good is the implementation?
Session 2
- Bridging the gap from phonics to comprehension:
- What does it mean to be a reading comprehender?
- Being a language comprehender from the start
- Assessment and book choice
- When to move away from tightly phonically decodable text to graded text?
Session 3
- Bridging the gap from phonics to comprehension:
- Developing oral language structures and vocabulary
- The importance of F1 and how to develop early reading
- Working with Parents
Gap tasks will be provided after each session.
Session dates
Session 1: Wednesday 2nd October 2024, 9am-12noon at NSPCC
Session 2: Tuesday 21st January 2025, 9am-12noon at NSPCC
Session 2: Friday 2nd May 2025, 9am-12noon at NSPCC
Cost: Free for Leicester City maintained schools. £240 per delegate for non-maintained and Leicestershire schools.
Course Leads: Jo Puttick and Mel Hendy
No. of session(s): 3 x half day sessions
Audience: Reading Leaders from all primary, infant and junior schools
These network sessions aim to develop Reading Leader knowledge and confidence in the teaching of all aspects of reading, to examine progress through the prism of the latest research, to introduce new book titles and to provide support to identify school’s next steps in their teaching and development of reading.
Discussion and sharing of good practice will be central to each meeting so that schools with similar needs can discuss strengths and CPD approaches. Each table group will be facilitated by a Lead Teacher of Reading to maximise the value of discussion time.
Session 1
- Bridging the gap between phonics and reading comprehension
- Adjusting long term plans
Session 2
- Bridging the gap: considering how this is done in short term plans (shared and guided reading)
- Reading stamina: what does this mean? How is this achieved?
Session 3
- Ensuring that spoken language enhances the teaching of reading
- Joint planning
There will be a pre-task and gap tasks will be provided after each session.
Session dates
Session 1: Friday 8th November 2024, 9am-12noon at NSPCC
Session 2: Friday 24th January 2025, 9am-12noon at NSPCC
Session 2: Thursday 3rd April 2025, 9am-12noon at NSPCC
We are planning 3 face to face Reading Champions’ Conferences and 1 virtual briefing this year in approximately September and November 2024, March and June 2025. More details to follow in the Autumn term.
Contact: sonia.dayal@sdsa
WiT will offer a range of reading CPD throughout the year to complement the wider CtG offer. More details to follow in September.
Contact: sonia.dayal@sdsa
Reading for Pleasure initiatives
Cost: Free for maintained schools. £550 for non-maintained schools.
Our Best Picture Book Award, especially for Year 2 children in Leicester! Year 2 pupils and families will be asked to read and talk together about six picture books and to vote for their favourite. Schools provided with books and resources to support the running of the award.
Cost: Free for Leicester City maintained schools. £550 for non-maintained schools.
A book award, especially for Year 5/6 children in Leicester! Pupils are asked to read a range of books, shortlist their top 5 and then vote for their favourite. Schools will be provided with books and resources to support the running of the award. Cost covers multiple copies of titles, resources, videos and virtual author visits.
Cost: Free for Leicester City maintained schools.
A box of exciting books - simply for children throughout school to enjoy reading as part of Non-fiction November and beyond! Suggested activities and competition challenges will be provided.
Please note: This is open to Leicester City maintained schools only.
Authors on Tour will run during June 2025 with face to face and virtual author visits for all year groups. Books will be supplied to schools to accompany their chosen author visit. More information to follow in January 2025.